Rectangles - a 2D interval tree
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Table of Contents

See also these presentation materials (pdf).

1. Intervals, trees, sets and maps.

An interval is a finite segment on some number line, 1D space. It is defined by its two endpoint values and if those endpoints are considered inside (closed) or outside (open) the interval.

Generally, we will assume a right-open interval meaning the lower endpoint is considered inside the interval and the upper endpoint is just outside the interval. This is consistent with iteration ranges, for example those from C++ or Python. This choice also makes clear when on right-open interval’s upper endpoint is equal to another right-open interval’s lower endpoint that the two are not considered overlapping.

An interval tree is a data structure that allows (relatively) fast insert, traversals and queries on a set of intervals. Queries include finding intervals that cover a point, an intersection of the collected intervals with another, shortest interval containing two sets of intervals (“hull”). These take into consideration closed vs open endpoints.

When a container only holds intervals it is an interval set. When data is associated with each interval, an interval map provides the container. In this case, when intervals overlap, the interval map requires a way combined the data from the overlapping intervals. Either the data type must support combination operations or the data must be held in a container that does (eg a set).

2. Rectangle map and regions

An interval is one dimensional. The concepts described above can be extended to two or more orthogonal dimensions. Here we stick with two and thus the interval map becomes a rectangle map. After adding many elemental rectangles and their associated data to the map we may perform iterations and queries analogous to the ones described above for the 1D interval map.

As with the 1D case, when rectangles are added, their overlap results in smaller rectangular regions. The data associated with the elemental rectangles become combined in some manner on these regions. This can be seen in the figure below. The green elemental rectangle holding the data [b] and the yellow elemental rectangle holding [c] overlap to produce a region with the combination {b,c}.

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To implement the 2D extension simply, each dimension is handled with independent 1D interval maps. This produces a dimensional hierarchy as described. Given a rectangle, its interval along the horizontal X-axis is stored into a top level 1D interval map, called here an xmap. The data type for the values of an xmap is a 1D interval map called a ymap. As the name implies it maps 1D intervals along the vertical Y-axis. The data type of the ymap is that provided by the user and the hierarchy ends. Having the ymap hold a zmap which then holds user data would trivially extend this idea to a 3D box map, etc.

While conceptually simple and easy to implement, this hierarchy results in each X-interval being applied through every value of Y. This can be seen in the figure where the red rectangle [a] leads to X-intervals on the blue rectangle [d] (and others) despite the have no overlap. This artifact will be exposed to various iteration and query methods called on the rectangle map. On the other hand, for a given X interval, the intervals in the Y dimension have no such artifacts.

Iteration and queries on a rectangle map follow this dimensional hierarchy. For example, in the center of the figure is a gray square that intersects the elemental rectangles. To determine the intersection, first the 1D interval intersection along the X dimension is found using the xmap. Then with the returned ymaps, their intersection along the square’s Y interval are found. The figure colors these intersections which are summarized with this log output from the test program.

X<- [400,600) Y<- [400,600)
X-> [400,501.495) Y-> [400,408.36) {e}
X-> [400,501.495) Y-> [572.966,600) {b}
X-> [501.495,600) Y-> [400,408.36) {e}
X-> [501.495,600) Y-> [572.966,600) {b}

The first line gives the dimensions of the square and the remaining lines iterate over the regions, showing their combined data. Here, each only has a single datum because the gray square does not happen to overlap any regions formed from multiple elemental rectangles.

3. WCT implementation

3.1. Construction, inserting and iterating

In brief pseudocode:

#include "WireCellUtil/Rectangles.h"
using namespace WireCell;

// (1)
using rec_t = Rectangles<int, char>;
rec_t recs;

// (2)
recs.add(0,7, 0, 4, 'a');
// (3)
auto elem = rec_t::element_t(
        rec_t::interval_t(2, 6)), 'b');
// (4)
recs += elem;

// (5)
for (const auto& [rec, cs] : recs.regions()) {
    // (6)
    const auto& [xi, yi] = rec
    auto x1 = xi.lower();
    auto x2 = xi.upper();

    // (7)
    for (char c : cs) {
        // ...


  1. A Rectangles<Key,Value> is created. The key is integer type and is that of the rectangle coordinates. The value type is simply char. By default, the data is held in a std::set<char> and additional template arguments allow for different value containers.
  2. One rectangle and associated data is loaded.
  3. An rectangle object can be also created and combined with the data to produce an “element” of the rectangle map.
  4. The operator+= is another way to load the rectangle map and one which mimics the underlying boost::icl 1D Boost interval container library API.
  5. The regions of the rectangle map are iterated, unpacking them directly into a rectangle object and a std::set<char> of combined data.
  6. The rectangle object is unpacked into two intervals and some user operation is done.
  7. The user data std::set<char> is iterated.

3.2. Queries

Following the dimensional hierarchy the user is free to use the various boost::icl functions to perform various queries. First on the xmap and then on the on or more ymap objects returned from there.

The WCT Rectangles implementation provides one such query which is used to produce the intersection of the gray square and the regions as described above and shown in the figure.

Continuing the pseudocode example from above,

auto isec = recs.intersection(rec_t::interval_t(5,9),
                              rec_t::interval_t(3, 5))

  for (const auto& [rect, qs] : isec) {
      const auto& [qxi, qyi] = rect;
      // ...

3.3. Tests

There are several tests found at util/test/:

basic proof of principle
simple use of Rectangles
more full test of Rectangles

The first two produce an eukleides file which can be rendered. The second produces an SVG similar to, but randomly different, from the one shown in the figure above.

eukleides --output=./build/util/test_rectangles.pdf ./build/util/test_rectangles.euk
evince ./build/util/test_rectangles.pdf

eukleides --output=./build/util/test_rectangles2.pdf ./build/util/test_rectangles2.euk
evince ./build/util/test_rectangles2.pdf

display ./build/util/test_rectangles_find.svg

4. See more

Author: Brett Viren

Created: 2023-05-03 Wed 11:39
