Cluster Arrays
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Table of Contents

Provides array representations of ICluster.

The ICluster graph represents identity, attributes and associations of five types of objects related to WCT imaging. In addition to the associations represented internally by the graph some objects carry additional information and references to objects that are external to the graph. The ClusterArrays class provides methods to “flatten” the internal and external structure to a set of arrays. This document describes the ClusterArrays interface and provides guidance on how to use the arrays it produces.

1. Low-level array representation

The API provides arrays in the form of Boost.MultiArray types.

2. Graph connection schema

Production of an ICluster graph is described in detail in the Ray Grid document. Its structure is summarized by the type graph from that document. This graph illustrates the five types of nodes and the allowed types of edges between node types.


3. Array schema

The array schema closely matches that provided by the python-geometric HeteroData interface with the following simplification:

  • All node attributes are coerced to double precision floating point scalar values.
  • No graph nor edge attributes.

This results in a graph being represented by a set of node arrays and a set of edge arrays.

Each node array is of a given type. An array type is defined by a tuple that labels the interpretation of the columns of an array. The tuple elements map to node attributes. The rows of an array map to node instances of a given type.

All edge arrays have two columns. The first provides indices of rows in a “tail” array and the second in a “head” array“. An edge array is mapped to these two node arrays by an array naming convention based on array codes and edge codes.

Before listing these codes, one structural change must be understood. The ICluster graph connection schema described above treats channel (and wire ) nodes as representing physical entities. A given channel node may be reached through multiple s-b-m-c paths beginning from multiple slices. The ICluster also holds internal to slice nodes an ISlice::activity(). This provides a the amount of signal in a channel that contributes to the slice. Furthermore, this activity map information is a superset of s-c relationships that may be found by following s-b-m-c paths. This is because some slice activity may not have contributed to forming blobs in the slice. This activity map can not be coerced into an slice array column (it would be a “ragged array”).

In order to faithfully preserve the activity map in the array format, the ClusterArrays schema does not follow the cluster graph schema shown above. Instead, the cluster array type graph is:


Comparing these two type graph representations:

  • channel nodes are replaced by activity nodes
  • activity represents a channel in a slice (not just a physical channel)
  • activity holds a signal value and uncertainty
  • a channel-slice edge is added

The remaining vertex types and allowed edges are the same other as in the original cluster graph schema. In particular, the wire vertex type still represents a physical wire which is not specific to any particular slice. All other vertices are per-slice.

With this change stated, we define node array codes as the ASCII value of the lower case initial letter of the node array names: activity, blob, measure, slice and wire. For example, an activity array will have a label anodes. The edge array codes are the combination of two node array codes in alphabetical order. For example, the edges between slice and activity vertices are represented in an array with a name that includes the label asedges. Each array is held in a Numpy file named with a prefix cluster (indicating array is in the format described in this document) followed by the cluster identity number <ident> and the node/edge label just described. For example a cluster 6501 is represented by the arrays


The remainder of this section describes the columns that make up each type of array.

3.1. Activity

An activity represents an amount of signal and its uncertainty collected from a channel over the duration of a time slice.

  1. ident, (int) channel ID as defined in the “wires” file
  2. value, the central value of the signal
  3. uncertainty, the uncertainty in the value
  4. index, (int) the channel index
  5. wpid, (int) the wire plane id

3.2. Wire

The wire array represents the “geometric” information about physical wire segments.

  1. ident, (int) the application determined ID number.
  2. wip, (int) the wire-in-plane (WIP) index.
  3. segment, (int) the number of segments between this wire segment and the channel input.
  4. channel, (int) the channel ID (not row index).
  5. plane, (int) the plane ID (not necessarily a plane index).
  6. tailx, the x coordinate of the tail endpoint of the wire.
  7. taily, the y coordinate of the tail endpoint of the wire.
  8. tailz, the z coordinate of the tail endpoint of the wire.
  9. headx, the x coordinate of the head endpoint of the wire.
  10. heady, the y coordinate of the head endpoint of the wire.
  11. headz, the z coordinate of the head endpoint of the wire.

3.3. Blob

A blob describes a volume in space bounded in the longitudinal direction by the duration of a time slice and in the transverse directions by pairs of wires from each plane and it includes an associated amount of signal contained by the volume.

  1. ident, (int) the application determined ID number.
  2. value, the central value of the signal
  3. uncertainty, the uncertainty in the value
  4. faceid, (int) the face ident from WirePlaneId(kUnkownLayer,face,apa)
  5. sliceid, (int) the slice ident
  6. start, the start time of the blob
  7. span, the time span of the blob
  8. min1, (int) the WIP providing lower bound of the blob in plane 1.
  9. max1, (int) the WIP providing upper bound of the blob in plane 1.
  10. min2, (int) the WIP providing lower bound of the blob in plane 2.
  11. max2, (int) the WIP providing upper bound of the blob in plane 2.
  12. min3, (int) the WIP providing lower bound of the blob in plane 3.
  13. max3, (int) the WIP providing upper bound of the blob in plane 3.
  14. ncorners, (int) the number of corners
  15. 24 columns holding corners as (y,z) pairs, 12 pairs, of which ncorners are valid.

3.4. Slice

A slice represents a duration in drift/readout time.

  1. ident, (int) the application determined ID number.
  2. value, the central value of the signal.
  3. uncertainty, the uncertainty in the value.
  4. frameid, (int) the frame ident number
  5. start, the start time of the slice.
  6. span, the duration time of the slice.

3.5. Measure

A measure represents the collection of channels in a given plane connected to a set of wires that span one or more blobs overlapping in one wire plane. Its includes an associated signal representing the sum of signals from the participating channels.

  1. ident, (int) the application determined ID number.
  2. value, the central value of the signal.
  3. uncertainty, the uncertainty in the value.
  4. wpid, the wire plane ID

3.6. Edge

An edge represents an association between a row in a tail array and a row in a head array. Unlike node arrays above, edge arrays are of integer value.

  1. tail, index of a row in a tail array
  2. head, index of a row in a head array

4. Cluster archive files

As described above, WCT ICluster graph may be represented by a number of arrays. Each array is persisted in a Numpy file (eg .npy file extension). A set of files representing a cluster graph may be packed into a cluster archive file. A set is defined by the array file names having the prefix cluster and a common <ident> number. Elemental Numpy files/arrays in a set are interpreted according to their suffix label (eg Anodes or ABedges). A cluster archive file may contain a number of such sets.

The cluster archive file format may be Tar (eg with .tar extension) and have optional compression (eg .tar.gz or .tar.bz2) or it may be Zip (.zip or .npz). The files comprising one set should be contiguous in the archive and sets should be sequential in ascending <ident> number.

5. Implementation

The ClusterArrays class will convert ICluster to cluster arrays following above schema. See ClusterFileSink::numpify() for example usage. The C++ WCT components ClusterFileSink and ClusterFileSource will write and read cluster archive files in Numpy array (and JSON structure) format.

These components provide special-case file I/O. A cluster array representation may be easily converted into the WCT tensor data model With such a converter, cluster graphs may pass through the more flexible and general forms of tensor data model I/O. See tensor-data-model.html for details. FIXME: implement these converters!

The Python module wirecell.img.tap can read cluster files.

Author: Brett Viren

Created: 2023-05-03 Wed 11:39
