Tensor Data Model
(top) (pkg)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

On data model that the Wire-Cell Toolkit (WCT) supports is the tensor data model. This model is factored into two layers:

  • The generic tensor data model consists of a ordered collection (set) of tensor objects. A tensor object consists of a multi-dimensional, numeric array and a structured metadata object. The WCT data interface classes ITensor and ITensorSet express these aspects.
  • The specific tensor data model defines conventions on the generic tensor data model in order to map certain other data types to the generic tensor data model.

The next two sections define the generic and specific tensor data models and are written in rfc2119 language.

2. Generic tensor data model

A tensor shall be composed of two conceptual parts: an array part and a metadata part.

The array part consists of a sequence of elements that shall be stored contiguously and associated with a shape, layout order and array element type and size.

The array shape shall be represented as a vector of integer type with each element corresponding to the number of elements spanned by the corresponding dimension. The array layout order shall be represented as a vector which stores the majority of the dimensions or it shall be empty indicating “C” layout (conventional array layout for the C programming language). A “C” layout should be used. The array element type shall be represented as a string with values following Numpy array interface typestr specification. This typically means a letter followed by a number giving the size in bytes of the type. The array element size shall be represented as an integer providing the size of one element measured in bytes.

A tensor metadata (MD) part shall follow the JSON data model and be of JSON type object. The MD model reserves the following attributes names.

optional and when existing it is an object providing array specifications using keyword names given in bold above (shape, etc).

Additional MD attributes are required by the specific tensor data model. User application may define attributes not otherwise reserved here. The MD must be faithfully passed through any tensor converter round trip.

A tensor set shall be composed of two conceptual parts: an ordered sequence of tensors and a metadata part. A tensor set shall not contain other tensor sets. The ordering of a tensor set sequence shall be stable and may be empty. A tensor may be contained in multiple tensor sets. The tensor set MD object shall follow the JSON data model and be of JSON type object but otherwise this tensor data model places no requirements on its contents. The tensor set MD must be faithfully passed through any tensor set converter round trip.

3. Specific tensor data model

The specific tensor data model defines representations of a number of data types in terms of the generic tensor data model.

3.1. Common metadata conventions

A tensor MD shall have an attribute named datapath of type string that identifies the tensor in a logical hierarchical structure of multiple tensors. The datapath value shall be unique among all tensors held in a tensor set. The value shall be interpreted as a sequence of atomic identifiers separated by a / (slash) character. An atomic identifier must be valid for use as a name of C++ or Python variables or functions. A datapath value may be stored in a tensor MD attribute and refer to another tensor when both tensors are held in the same tensor set.

A tensor MD shall have an attribute datatype which is identifies a data type in the specific tensor data model that it represents. The datatype value shall be one from the set of specific types described below. Additional requirements on MD attributes may be defined that are specific to a datatype as described in the corresponding section below.

Complex data types may be represented as an aggregation of multiple tensors. These shall be defined on a per data type basis below as a set of MD attributes providing datapath values.

3.2. Overview of specific types

The following specific types are mapped to the basic tensor data model. Each item in the list gives the datatype MD attribute value and describes the WCT data type to which it associates.

a PointCloud::Array
a PointCloud::Dataset
a PointGraph
one ITrace as 1D array or multiple ITrace as 2D array.
tagged trace indices and summary data
an IFrame as aggregate of traces and/or traceblocks
an ICluster

The specific requirements for each data type are given in the following sections in terms of their tensor array and metadata and in some cases in terms of other types defined previously.

3.3. pcarray

The datatype of pcarray indicates a tensor representing one PointCloud::Array. The tensor array information shall map directly to that of Array. A pcarray places no additional requirements on its tensor MD.

3.4. pcdataset

The datatype of pcdataset indicates a tensor representing on PointCloud::Dataset. The tensor array shall be empty. The tensor MD shall have the following attributes:

an object representing the named arrays. Each attribute name provides the array name and each attribute value provides a datapath to a tensor of type pcarray holding the named array.

Additional user application Dataset metadata may reside in the tensor MD.

3.5. pcgraph

The datatype of pcgraph indicates a tensor representing a “point cloud graph”. This extends a point cloud to include relationships between pairs of points. The array part of a pcgraph tensor shall be empty. The MD part of a pcgraph tensor shall provide reference to two pcdataset instances with the following MD attributes:

a datapath refering to a pcdataset representing graph vertex features.
a datapath refering to a pcdataset representing graph edges and their features.

In addition, the pcdataset referred to by the edges attribute shall provide two arrays of integer type with names tails and heads. Each shall provide indices into the nodes point cloud representing the tail and head endpoint of graph edges. A node or edge dataset may be shared between different pcgraph instances.

3.6. trace

The datatype of trace indicates a tensor representing a single ITrace or a collection of ITrace which have been combined.

The tensor array shall represent the samples over a contiguous period of time from traces.

The tensor array shall have dimensionality of one when representing a single ITrace. A collection of ITrace shall be represented with a two-dimensional array with each row representing one or more traces from a common channel. In such a case, the full trace content associated with a given channel may be represented by one or more rows.

The array element type shall be either "i2" (int16_t) or "f4" (float) depending on if ADC or signals are represented, respectively.

The tensor MD may include the attribute tbin with integer value and providing the number of sample periods (ticks) between the frame reference time and the first sample (column) in the array.

3.7. tracedata

The datatype of tracedata provides per-trace information for a subset of. It is similar to a pcdataset and in fact may carry that value as the datatype but it requires the following differences.

It defines additional MD attributes:

optional, a trace tag. If omitted or empty string, dataset must span total trace ordering.

The following array names are recognized:

channel ident numbers for the traces.
provides indices into the total trace ordering.
trace summary values.

A chid value is require for every trace. If the tracedata has no tag then a chid array spanning the total trace ordering must be provided and neither index nor summary is recognized. If the tracedata has a tag it must provide an index array and may provide a summary array and may provide a chid array each corresponding to the traces identified by index.

3.8. frame

See the topic frames as tensors for details about representing frames with tensors.

The datatype of frame represents an IFrame.

The tensor array shall be empty.

The tensor MD aggregates tensors of datatype trace and tracedata and provides other values as listed;

the frame ident number (required)
an array of string giving frame tags
the reference time of the frame (required)
the sample period of the traces (required)
channel mask map (optional)
a sequence of datapath references to tensors of datatype trace. The order of this sequence, along with the order of rows in any 2D trace tensors determines the total order of traces.
a sequence of datapath references to tensors of datatype tracedata

In converting an IFrame to a frame tensor the sample values may be truncated to type "i2".

A frame tensor of type "i2" shall have its sample values inflated to type float when converted to an IFrame.

3.9. cluster

A cluster is a pcgraph with convention for how to serialize each of the node types of an ICluster graph (wire, channel, measure, blob and slice) and edges between them. It generally follows an array schema outlined in the document on Cluster Arrays. Their representation is similar to HeteroData type from pytorch-geometric.

4. Similarity to HDF5

The data model is intentionally similar to HDF5 abstract data model and there is a conceptual mapping between the two:

  • HDF5 group hierarchy \(\leftrightarrow\) ITensor metadata attribute providing a hierarchy path as array of string.
  • HDF5 group \(\leftrightarrow\) No direct equivalent but an ITensor with no array is effectively the same.
  • HDF5 dataset \(\leftrightarrow\) ITensor array.
  • HDF5 dataspace and datatype \(\leftrightarrow\) ITensor methods shape(), dtype(), etc.
  • HDF5 group or dataset attribute \(\leftrightarrow\) ITensor metadata attribute

Author: Brett Viren

Created: 2023-05-03 Wed 11:39
